I Trusted God & My Life Became Worse

Have you ever experienced this:

Becoming saved as God answers all your prayers, and finally winning at life… only for it to stop suddenly and you're left wondering, “Where was God?”

I have heard this testimony before from different people and have lived it myself.

It is a real situation that is hard and confusing. Yet, there is a perspective that shines a light on this:

God Is A God Of Relationships

The Bible tells us that God looks at us and says, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you!”

This tells us that God has an obsessive and deep love for us.

Yet, where was He?

The answer lies in the first Commandment that God spoke to the Israelites, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the Land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

If you are born again - this is your testimony. That Jesus rescued us out of our pain and bondage and delivered us to Himself (and freedom).

Yet, because this is a relationship there is a give and take involved: God demands to be first in our lives and our hearts.

God is First

What we don’t realize when we say the salvation prayer and invite Jesus into our lives, is that we are giving God permission to be first in our lives.

This looks like Him taking us through a journey that destroys the idols of our hearts and proves them worthless so we may know that our God is above every other god.

But that process is hell. It forces us to watch as what we trust in the most fails us.

Since we are not used to trusting God, a part of our heart dies so that we may learn to go to Him about our situation.

The funny thing about this is that God will bring us through this period if we:

  • Stick with Him

  • Allow Him to take control

So we end up leaving this chapter with:

  • A relationship with God

  • The knowledge that He is stronger than our obstacles

This is a priceless gift.

But we should not be alarmed when this happens because this is the process of becoming:

  • Who we were created to be

  • Close to God


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