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These 3 Habits Will Change Your Life

We all want to win in every area of our lives but sometimes we are only ‘winning’ on the outside while still deeply unhappy internally.

These moments can become our daily reality if we are not careful to do these three things:

Check Your Focus

There is a famous principle called the Pareto principle that states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.

We even see this principle play out in the Bible when Peter walked on water. For a brief moment, he was a living miracle - until he started to sink. However, failure came into his life when he shifted his focus from Jesus to the waves he was walking on.

Similarly, we follow in Peter’s footsteps when we get distracted by our obstacles, hardships and stresses. When our mindset is fixed on these things, we invite a similar failure because we follow/attract what we look at.

The opposite is true when we look at Jesus. When our thoughts are consumed by how great He is, and His ability to turn our situation beautiful and victorious - we attract this outcome.

Obsessively Record God’s Presence

God is invisible but this doesn’t mean we can’t see His hand in our life.

We have to be sensitive to the things that shouldn’t have worked out in our favour but did.

Even simple things like:

  • Waking up in the morning

  • Being healthy

  • Being willing to change

  • Being aware of our gifts and talents

  • Safety

These are things we can easily take advantage of because they seem normal. However, millions of people don’t enjoy these benefits.

Our lives change once we internalize that the things that go smoothly in them are because of God’s protection.

This is why it is important to keep a record of the things God has been faithful in providing us.

Live A Life Of Worship

Remembering God’s goodness is the foundation of worship.

This is important because worship is the easiest, most effective way of changing our focus.

Therefore if we want to change where we are heading in life, we must learn to worship constantly.

However, worship is not just singing songs to God - rather, it is the heart posture of recognizing that God is first in our lives.

We worship God when we:

  • Obey His commandments (the Bible)

  • Obey His voice and the Holy Spirit's leadings

  • Maintain a perspective where God is King over our lives.

  • Are grateful for Him and His Presence in our lives

As we adopt these habits we will begin to live a life of peace and joy that is NOT dependent on our situation.