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3 Ways To Trick Your Mind Into Trusting God

I think you and I can agree that life gets tough.

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But the Bible tells us to trust God - promising us that “those who trust in Him will not be put to shame” (Romans 10:11). Realistically, when our situation looks dire and the stakes get high - trust can be the last thing on our minds.

So here are three ways we can trick our mind into trusting God:

Our Circumstances Don’t Change His Character

I’ve always found the life of David to be extremely fascinating because he faced high- highs and low- lows.

He defeated Goliath and became king of Israel and Judah. During his reign, he faced periods of peace.

He also was chased by Saul, his mentor, and had some serious family issues including being overthrown by his son and losing two of his sons.

  • He wrote Psalm 60:12 in one of his highest moments, “with God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies.”

  • He wrote "Do not cast me from Your presence" in one of his lowest seasons, after killing Uriah, committing adultery with Bathsheba, and losing their newborn child, and offending God.

He recognized that God's goodness does not change with our situation because His character is constant.

We can trust God to be: faithful, kind, loving, righteous, just, and ready to be merciful.

Check Your Obedience

We know God is good but do we realize that being obedient to His will grants us extra protection by ensuring God's investment?

In Matthew 14:22-34, Jesus sent His disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee as He stayed behind.

But on the way, a strong storm nearly destroyed their boat. It was at this point that Jesus came walking on water to stop the storm.

Two things to get from this:

  • It was always His intention to meet them.

  • When He caught up with them, He saved them from the storm.


Had they not followed His instructions they would have missed this deliverance.

We are guaranteed God’s help when we are in His will.

So we have to ask ourselves:

  1. What is the last thing God asked us to do and did we do it?

  2. What is the last thing we have felt convicted about that we haven’t done?

This is important because God is not required to bless our disobedience.

If He is not in it - why would He bless it?

Worship Who He Has Been To You

When we worship, we are actively changing our perspective by forcing ourselves to stop looking at our situations and acknowledge the greatness and goodness of God.

We will know we have worshipped God when we come out of that space viscerally aware of God’s love and His Kingship over our lives.

There are practical ways to enter into a worshipful experience:

  • Remembering your history with God

    • The moments that shouldn’t have worked out in your favour but did.

    • Remembering how far He has brought you from where you used to be.

    • Being grateful for the things we take advantage of daily like waking up, having the energy to face the day, breathing etc.

  • Playing worship music, and applying the words back to your life with a specific focus on what God has done for you.

Being grateful to God is the basis of a pure worship moment. It is these moments of remembrance that form the foundation for why we can trust God.